Welcome to my blog!

I fancy myself a writer and a poet. I love words for everything they can accomplish and everything they can be. You can paint a world with words, change a person’s life and alter the dynamic of an entire nation. Words have true power when they are offered the respect they deserve. I just graduated with a bachelors in Journalism, and despite not having found a job yet, I don’t regret it. Writing is expression, it is creativity given form and I love it. That being said, let’s move on…

People are complicated. These are words I live my life by. Everyone is an eclectic combination of many faces, masks and feelings. I am no different. I like things that are unique and interesting more than I do things which are overly happy or good. I favor chaos over order, yet somehow I thrive on structure. I’m a culmination of conflicting and yet harmonious parts that make up one unusual whole. I think the term cognitive dissonance is my favorite concept for a reason, it defines me.
(For those of you who don’t read about psychology in your spare time, cognitive dissonance is a term used to describe the state of holding two conflicting ideas to both be true.)

If there is one thing I feel you should know about me before reading my blogs, it is this:
My ideas are my own. You may not always like them, you might even hate them. You might think I’m delusional, naive, pessimistic or just plain stupid. I’m really okay with this. I encourage you to tell me if you do, even more so If you’ll tell me why. Just know that I know these are opinions.

So, this blog will be a little window into how I see the world. Perhaps it might show someone a different way of looking at a stale picture. Crazy people see the world in crazy ways, so hop on for the ride and enjoy!

Yours for now,

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